Thursday, October 20, 2005

Doctor: "If I'm not mistaken, his brain has done a 360 inside of his skull."

Kickball Player: "So what!!! I lost my arm on the kickball field and I still played!"

Doctor: "Medically speaking, that's rad."
PENG is fun. It would be, considering it's a comic by Corey "The Rey" Lewis, the creator of Sharknife (starring a busboy who transforms into a ninja-robot when he eats magic fortune cookies, and has to fight the monsters that live in the walls of his restaurant and want to eat all the food), and it's about... kickball. Advanced Kickball. Which is, like, kickball with martial arts and special signature power-up moves and telepathy. Dude. Plus, both Sharknife and Scott Pilgrim have guest appearances.

It made me really happy. In fact, it made me glow. Especially when I reached the end, and found it specifically said "Go to page 1 to read again."

And especially this moment:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

this comic is perfect for my documentary

Monday, October 31, 2005 10:55:00 PM  

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